10 Rules for Inside Muskegon
We welcome your feedback on Inside Muskegon. Please respect the following rules when commenting on the podcast:
- Have something intelligent to say.
- Use your judgment as to whether your comment would fit on this site.
- Be civil. Respect other members with differing views.
- A difference of opinion can be expressed without resorting to insults. Never argue with others on the board.
- Offensive language is unacceptable.
- Deliberately and repeatedly bashing the same brand, product or company will get you banned.
- Feel free to sign your posts. Use your real name.
- Please stick to the discussion at hand. If you want to change topic start a new thread or find a thread where the topic you want is being discussed.
- Commercial website linking or advertising is not allowed, if you wish to advertise on the site contact us.
- Tell one other person about this podcast :-)
Our goal with Inside Muskegon is to engage people in a dialog about our community. It is provided to promote free speech and lively discussion.
Please follow these rules when commenting on the podcast. Thank you.
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